basket_tick Web Retail Platform

Start running a smarter ticketing scheme

The Web Retail platform is a complete suite of tools to manage the process; from creating products to managing customers, reviewing sales performance and optimising your proposition.  Payouts are fully automated and reconciling accounts is fully integrated.

Web Retail Platform

Settings Campaign Management

At BusHub, we share a vision: to support greater numbers of people into the benefits of bus travel

That's why our system makes it easy for you to create campaigns and promotions to drive sales and develop your market.  Whether it's a family ticket discounted during the summer holidays or an introductory campaign to grow the use of pre-pay tickets, we can help you do it all and measure your success to boot.  

Campaign Management

database Data Management

Manage your transport data with Data Pre-flight checks

Now it's possible to access the quality of your transport data before it leaves your office and hits the general public.  With Data Pre-flight from BusHub, we check your service data for compatibility with the National Datasets of TNDS and NapTan before you commit to your next data exchange.



Helping your teams deliver customer satisfaction when it really matters

BusHub provides an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) function, letting you get closer to your passengers and helping to manage their needs.  Customer service teams can make fast, informed decisions when dealing with enquiries from passengers with the ability to manage and review customers, purchase history, notes and account activity.


Website Features